Benefits of Improving Document Workflow

  A document intensive business organization's performance is affected by how well it manages document workflow. An inefficient workflow will result in an overall drop in performance. Conversely, a business organization with an excellent workflow will thrive.

There are many ways to improve a business organization's workflow One of the best ways to do that is to have an electronic document management system (EDMS) that incorporates document workflow. An EDMS is an intelligent solution that is worthy of a solid investment from any business organization.

Below are some of the benefits that a business organization can expect from a properly implemented EDMS.

Paper work is immediately sent to the right departments for immediate action

One of the biggest concerns of any business organization is making sure that work gets done as quickly and efficiently as possible The biggest hindrance to this process is the human factor. People make mistakes. They sometimes pass their work later than expected or mistakenly send the paper work to the wrong department.

To make sure that a business runs at optimum efficiency, the workflow needs to be as smooth as possible. A good EDMS improves document workflow by automating the some of the routines in the process. This makes sure that once an employee gets the job done, the paper work is immediately sent to the right person.

Processing paper work is a step by step process. An excellent workflow improves response times, making sure that jobs get done as soon as possible without any sort of complications down the line.

Reduces labor costs of processing paper work

Any businessman knows that the cost of labor is one of the most expensive costs in running a business. Organizations basically have two ways of minimizing the effects of the cost of labor. An organization can either find a way to reduce the cost of labor, or they can find a way to increase the amount of work that gets done.

An EDMS improves document workflow as it distributes paper work immediately and efficiently. People no longer have to wait and waste precious time waiting for the paper work to arrive. With a good EDMS, employees can pick up where the previous stage of the workflow left of as soon as they are finished.

The EDMS makes sure that no time is wasted on waiting for documents to arrive and more time is spent on working.

Makes managing the entire workflow process a lot easier

Restructuring and reorganizing the workflow process of documents is a natural part of business. As business organizations get bigger, the workflow process gets more and more complicated. Complications often merit an overhaul or at least a restructuring of the workflow process.

The problem with changing a workflow process is that it can cost a business a lot of time and money. Redoing the workflow process is made easy by the EDMS. Due to the nature of how EDMS works, administrators need only change the rules of the workflow process in the EDMS to account for all the changes. This makes any sort of major document workflow change an easy task to implement.

Any business, no matter how big or small, has some form of document workflow set in place to make sure things run smoothly. The workflow for documents usually involves, order processing, applications, email, invoice and other documents. This sort of activity occurs in all businesses every single day, which is why it's important to make sure that it works as efficiently as possible.

What is a workflow anyway?

In a nutshell, a workflow refers to the step by step procedures that are undertaken by a person or group of people in order to complete a particular task. The several issues usually encountered by most business organizations with their document workflow are:

• Improper distribution of paper work.

• Documents that gets lost during transfer from one stage of the workflow to another.

• Costs involved in processing, storing, and retrieving documents.

• Transferring documents from one office to another.

• Inability to locate necessary information for customer service.

There are many ways to improve a business organization's workflow. One of the best ways to do that is by automating majority of the routines that take a lot of time and effort.

Where to start?

The best place to start improving document workflow is finding out which document takes the most time and money to process. While it would make sense to automate everything, it is still more prudent to implement an automated system slowly. That way, the integration of the new system won't make matters worse.

It's a common misconception that implementing a new system will immediately make things better; it's better to test the system on a small scale before implementing it on a more massive scale. This way, the benefits of automating routines are more visible and can be compared with current manual document processes.

What is the next step?

Once a process has been chosen, simply observe the selected process in order to evaluate it. Start from the very beginning and go through everything until the very end. It's important to understand all the physical steps involved in processing documents.

It would also be prudent to ask the people who are part of the document workflow. Ask them questions about the things that make processing a document time consuming. Determine which of these can be automated and which of these cannot.

Finally, make a list that outlines all the pertinent points in automating the document process.

Find the software that works best.

The final step is finding the best solution to the problems that are present in the outline is to make a list. There are a lot of document workflow solutions out there. Business organizations are spoilt for choice as a lot of companies offer excellent business solutions.

Always look for the ones that address the needs first. One way to look at how well a new system will work is by looking at the cost of implementing the new workflow system and comparing it to the benefits.

Document workflow solutions are a good long term investment that will surely increase overall productivity in virtually any business organization
